Susan Price and her collection of 26,000 children’s books are to be the subject of a new book.
Newtown author Kate De Goldi has been awarded the $100,000 Michael King writers’ fellowship to research and write about children’s book collector and donor Susan Price – whose parents Beverley Randell and Hugh Price donated the Randell Cottage. Susan has been deeply involved in the cottage during its renovation and as a writers’ cottage. She is a keen archivist for the Trust.
Ms Price’s Kelburn residence is home to more than 26,000 children’s books which are all meticulously catalogued.
“Susan is opening her archived world to me,” said Ms De Goldi. ”It will be a fascinating window on one child’s growth through books, and as such, a launching-point for a wide-ranging commentary on children’s literature.”
Ms Price has also gifted thousands of books to more than 50 children, and donated her collection to the National Library, while keeping it on site. Visitors can view it by appointment.
The quotes are taken from an article in The Wellingtonian by Daniel Silverton.