Friends of The Randell Cottage Writers Trust AGM

Notice of Annual General Meeting

To: Friends of The Randell Cottage Writers Trust

You are invited to the Annual General Meeting of Friends of the Randell Cottage to be held on:

Wednesday, 4 June 2014, 6.30pm, Room 1 upstairs, Thistle Inn, 3 Mulgrave St, Thorndon

RSVP to or call Robyn on 4758 155 evenings


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Quorum: 10 people
  4. Receive and approve the Minutes of the June 11, 2013 Annual General Meeting of Friends of the Randell Cottage:
  5. Matters arising from the Minutes:
  6. Receive and consider the Annual Report from the FRC Committee Chair
  7. Receive and consider the Annual Financial Statements:
  8. Receive and consider a recommendation from the Committee of the annual subscriptions for the following year: to be notified on the night
  9. The election of the Officers of the Society:
    President: The Chair of the FRC Committee, Sian Robyns, has expressed her willingness to be nominated as President again.
    Treasurer: Mary McCallum is standing down from this position. New member Nicole Sharp has expressed her willingness to be nominated as Treasurer.
    Secretary: Robyn Skrzynska has expressed her willingness to be nominated as Secretary again.
  10. The election of the three Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee.
    In accordance with the Rules:
    new member, Tim Gruar, has expressed his willingness to be nominated as a member of the Executive Committee and to take on the role of Publicity Officer;
    Maggie Rainey-Smith is standing down from the position of membership officer but has expressed her willingness to be nominated as a member of the Executive Committee nominated to the committee again; and
    Anita Woods has expressed her willingness to be nominated as a member of the Executive Committee again.
  11. Any other business

At the conclusion of the business the Randell Cottage resident writer, Thanh-Van Tran=Nut, will speak.
Wine will be available for purchase from the bar downstairs and nibbles will be served upstairs.