Friends of Randell Cottage hold AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Randell Cottage Writers Trust was
held at the rooms of the Alliance Franҫaise, Wellington, on 27 July 2021.

The President’s report may be read here (PDF 144kb).

The Executive Committee elected for 2021–2022 comprises:
President: Leslie Brown
Treasurer: Tracey Schuyt
Secretary: Robyn Skrzynska
Ordinary members: Dame Fiona Kidman, Gillian Cameron, Susan Stevens and Tim

The Chair of the Randell Cottage Writers Trust also joins the Executive Committee
ex officio.

Beverley Randell and Susan Price were proposed as Life Members, nominated by
Leslie Brown and seconded by Sarah Dennis. Both Beverley and Susan expressed
their gratitude for the nomination – acclaimed unanimously – and praised the efforts of
the current Trustees and Friends to perpetuate the legacy of the 19th century
cottage in Thorndon.

Lynn Davidson, the current NZ resident writer, rounded off the occasion with a
reading of one of her latest essays, which was followed by lively discussion and

Lynn Davidson, Susan Price, and Beverly Randell at the 2021 Friends of Randell Cottage AGM. Photo by Tim Gruar