An evening with Hinemoana Baker, Villa Antipode, and French lauréates
Current writer-in-residence, Hinemoana Baker addressed an enthusiastic audience at the National Library on 21 November.
Current writer-in-residence, Hinemoana Baker addressed an enthusiastic audience at the National Library on 21 November.
On 19 February, Editions Plein Jour in Paris published Baby Farmer by the 2020 French writer at Randell Cottage, Amaury da Cunha.
With a speech therapist mother and a photographer father, it was perhaps almost inevitable that writer and photographer Amaury da Cunha would grow up with a deep understanding of the power of words and images.
Born in Paris, Amaury da Cunha studied modern literature before pursuing photography at the École nationale supérieure de la photographie in Arles. He combines both interests in his work as a photo editor for Le Monde’s literary supplement, in his own writing and exhibitions, and in collaborative projects with other writers and photographers.
His first book, Saccades, a collection of images and texts, was published by Yellow Now. Après tout was released by Caillou Bleu in November 2012, which coincided with his first personal exhibition in Paris for Photography Month. 2015 saw the publication of two books: Fond de l’œil (Roergue), a collection of short texts (odes, meditations, love stories…) on photography; and Incidences (Filigranes), a second collection of images and texts. The autofiction Histoire souterraine (Rouergue) was published in 2017 and followed a year later by Demeure (H’artpon), a book of images accompanied by texts written by Sylvie Gracia.
His photography has been exhibited throughout France and in Belgium.
Amaury da Cunha’s Randell project is an exploration of the life of Minnie Dean, the late nineteenth-century baby farmer who was convicted of infanticide and hanged.
Further reading