Friends of the Randell Cottage Writers Trust AGM

You are invited to the Annual General Meeting of Friends of the Randell Cottage Writers Trust to be held on Monday 29 April, 2024, at 11.30 am in Room 3 of the Alliance Franҫaise, Level 3, Dominion Bldg, Victoria St.

Please RSVP to or call Robyn on (04) 4764823 evenings by 27 April, 2024.


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Quorum: 10 people
  4. Receive and approve the Minutes of the 1 June, 2023, Annual General Meeting of Friends of the Randell Cottage Writers’ Trust
  5. Matters arising from the Minutes
  6. Receive and consider the Annual Report from the FRC Committee Chair
  7. Receive and consider the Annual Financial Statements from the Treasurer
  8. Receive and consider the following recommendation regarding the annual subscriptions for the year (2025/26): that subscriptions for 2025/26 be set at $20.00 for seniors/students, $35.00 for individuals, $50.00 for families and $100.00 for businesses and free for students for a maximum of 3 years.
  9. Election of the Officers of the Society:
    1. President: Olivia Pierre is nominated as the Chair.
    2. Treasurer: Tracey Schuyt is nominated as the Treasurer.
    3. Secretary: Robyn Skrzyńska is prepared to stand again as Secretary.
  10. Election of at least three Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee:
    1. Tim Gruar is nominated as Media Liaison Officer.
    2. Pip Murdoch and Susan Stevens have expressed a willingness to be nominated as ordinary members of the Executive Committee again.
    3. Dame Fiona Kidman and Jie Fang are nominated as Executive Committee members. Christine Hurley will continue to serve on the Executive Committee ex officio as Chair of the Trust See ‘The Trustees of the Randell Cottage Writers Trust from time to time may nominate two other members of the Executive Committee who may be Officers’.  For 2024 the Trust has chosen not to exercise this provision, in response to the President’s invitation.Note: Any further nominations for President, Treasurer and Committee, with details of seconders and evidence of the willingness of the nominee to serve, should be emailed to the Secretary: in advance of the meeting.
  11. Any other business.
    The business part of the meeting will be followed by a conversation with our Randell Cottage resident French writer, Julien Blanc-Gras.

Fishmob have donated a number of a large handsome book, My Mother’s Kitchen, New Zealand’s best chefs, bakers and foodies share their mother’s special recipes, as a fundraiser for Randell Cottage. $20.00 Cash only.

If you have not yet purchased your copy of Room to Write, there will be copies available for a donation of $30.00 after the AGM. Please bring cash.

Coffee, tea and juice will be served at the end of the meeting.