
New French Ambassador and Trust Patron

New French Ambassador and Trust Patron

HE Laurence Beau. Photo courtesy

We welcome Her Excellency Mme Laurence Beau, the new French Ambassador, as Patron of the Randell Cottage Writers Trust, alongside NZ Patron and renowned writer, Sir Vincent O’Sullivan.  

Mme Beau presented her credentials to the Governor-General at a ceremony at Government House in Wellington on 4 October.  She is accompanied on her posting to New Zealand by her husband, M. Gilles Beau.

HE Mrs Laurence Beau inspecting the Guard of Honour. Photo courtesy of the Governor-General

Invitation to RCWT Friends Annual General Meeting


Notice of Annual General Meeting

You are invited to the Annual General Meeting of Friends of the Randell Cottage to be held on:

Monday, 8 June 2015, 6.00 for 6.30pm, Room 1 upstairs, Thistle Inn, 3 Mulgrave St, Thorndon

RSVP to or call Robyn on 4758 155 evenings


  1. Welcome
  1. Apologies
  1. Quorum: 10 people
  1. Receive and approve the Minutes of the June 03, 2014 Annual General Meeting of Friends of the Randell Cottage:
  1. Matters arising from the Minutes:
  1. Receive and consider the Annual Report from the FRC Committee Chair:
  1. Receive and consider the Annual Financial Statements:
  1. Receive and consider a recommendation from the Committee of the annual subscriptions for the following year (2016/17): to be notified on the night
  1. The election of the Officers of the Society:

President: The Chair of the FRC Committee, Sian Robyns, has expressed her willingness to be nominated as President again

Treasurer: Tim Gruar has expressed his willingness to be nominated as Treasurer

Secretary: Robyn Skrzynska has expressed her willingness to be nominated as Secretary again.

  1. The election of the three Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee:

In accordance with the Rules:

Maggie Rainey-Smith has offered to be nominated to the committee again.

Anita Woods has expressed her willingness to be nominated as a member of the Committee again.

  1. Any other business

At the conclusion of the business the Randell Cottage French resident writer, David Fauquemberg, will speak.

Wine available for purchase at the bar downstairs. Juice and nibbles will be served upstairs.